Case File: Callicoon the Cat

Callicoon the Cat

Callicoon the Cat

The Plumbo family has owned and operated the “Ramalives” Battery Recycling Company and lead smelter for the last 35 years. Anthony Plumbo, a distant cousin, has just received his MBA in International Business from Ramford U. and has taken a job in the family business. Tony is a cat fancier; he breeds and shows champion Maine Coon cats. However, his new wife has severe allergies to cats so Tony has moved “Byron”, “Butterscotch”, and “Callicoon” – who is pregnant – to the Ramalives factory. The cats have access to a large outdoor pen adjacent to the smelter building.

Byron and Butterscotch spend more than 90% of their time indoors lounging on Tony’s office furniture. About a week before she gives birth Callicoon spends more time in the pen; and gives birth to six kittens outside, on the ground, next to the smelter building. When Tony arrives the kittens seem normal and are nursing but Callicoon is unable to stand upright. He gathers all the animals and rushes them to the Ramford U. Veterinary Clinic.
